• Health & Wellness

    “F” as in Fat: Obesity Rate in U.S. Expected to Increase 60 Percent by 2030

Adult obesity in the United States is predicted to increase up to 60 percent by 2030, likely resulting in an increase of obesity-related diseases and health care costs. The findings are published by Trust for America's Health, which also used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The new projection shows that, if rates continue to increase at the current pace, adult obesity rates could exceed 60 percent in 13 states, and all states could have rates above 44 percent by 2030.

Mayo Clinic anesthesiologist and physiology expert, Michael Joyner, M.D., says he's actually surprised the obesity problem isn't worse.

Sound bites with Dr. Joyner are available in the downloads above.

Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Michael Joyner, Mayo Clinic Anesthesiologist