• Health & Wellness

    Fan Spotlight on “The Voice” Is Story of Inspiration

Jason Hanold in the Fan Spotlight on NBC's 'The Voice'
Jason Hanold in the Fan Spotlight on NBC's 'The Voice'

Jason Hanold was in his kitchen when one of his sons said, "Dad, your picture's on TV." Not only that, but Carson Daly was talking about Jason's story during a new "Fan Spotlight" segment during the (just slightly popular) TV show "The Voice." Then his youngest son, age 5, asked if he was up next to sing. That wouldn't have ended well, Jason suggests. But he was happy to talk about how the show and his cancer treatment at Mayo Clinic have come together. 

Jason's moment went something like this (and included about 21 seconds of air time): "This week's Fan Spotlight: Jason H. from Kenilworth, Illinois," host Carson Daly said. "He told us he schedules his cancer treatments at Mayo Clinic to coincide with our show because he says it gives him great courage. He and his four sons look forward to The Voice each and every week because they get a lot of inspiration from watching our artists perform."   Read the rest of the story In the Loop.