• Cancer Patient Stories

    Featured Comment: Week of Feb. 15, 2009

In the February 2009 Share Your Mayo Clinic Story open comment thread, Julie Beck tells how she came to Mayo Clinic for diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer:

My Mayo story started at my 35th birthday physical. I went to my local physician and found that I had “lumps on my thyroid”. My family Dr knew that my deceased mother had had thryoid cancer and he immediately asked if I intended to go to Mayo’s like my mother. Knowing the excellent care she received I said yes and an appt. was set up with Dr Hossein Gharib. I went with my sister and we both were impressed to say the least.


With a negative biopsy I followed the recommendations to visit again in 6 months and then another year later. At the third visit Dr Gharib did a biopsy and this time found “suspicious” cells. The next day I was scheduled for surgery with no time to worry. Radioiodine ablation therapy followed several months later and now 10 years later I am cancer free.

Read the rest of Julie's account and share your own story here.