• Health & Wellness

    Game On! … in Ruth’s Battle with Depression after Stroke

Ruth and physicians
Ruth Tibesar with the physicians she calls her "two knights" and who she says inspired her and helped her in her battle depression.

This patient story originally appeared March 2014 in Sharing Mayo Clinic.

For many years, those lucky enough to share a work space with Ruth Tibesar, a lab technician at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, had come to expect to hear at least one thing when they came to work every day: Laughter. Because that's just the kind of person Ruth Tibesar is -- she enjoys making those around her smile. But a little more than two years ago, that laughter disappeared soon after Ruth's mother passed away. Soon after that, Ruth suffered a mild stroke while at work, and it was while she was in the hospital recovering that she says she began to feel herself change into a person she and those around her no longer knew.

"I was angry," Ruth says. "I wasn't talking to anyone. Something had changed. But then I just went on like nothing was wrong."  Read the rest of Ruth's story.