Going to Discovery’s Edge
The winter issue of Mayo Clinic’s research magazine Discovery’s Edge, is now available in print as well as online. Highlighted articles are listed below.
Breast Cancer: Predicting Individual Risk With genomic research, one of the top breast cancer scientists in the country is quietly making inroads on the disease.
Biomechanics: The Wrist in Motion To understand how something works, sometimes you have to take it apart and reconstruct it. That's true with the human wrist.
Parkinson’s Disease and Individualized Medicine A team of researchers on the Florida campus has a number of discoveries in Parkinson’s genetics.
- Heart Devices, Infections and Treatments How do you keep artificial body parts from becoming infected? This team has been doing it for years.
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In the print edition, online issue or interactive iPad issue, Discovery’s Edge has plenty to offer for those curious about research and how the practice of medicine will look tomorrow.