• Help Advance Medicine by Joining ResearchMatch

On its journey from the laboratory to the patient, research must pass through an important checkpoint: the research volunteer. However, it’s often difficult for researchers to locate enough eligible participants for a particular study — and potential volunteers have few places to look for research opportunities.

These challenges inspired the creation of ResearchMatch , a national registry that connects you with research volunteer opportunities. This first-of-its-kind registry — developed by a consortium of institutions holding Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSAs), including Mayo Clinic — is secure, Web-based and free.

ResearchMatch is currently accepting registrations from potential research volunteers. By joining as a ResearchMatch volunteer, you are not registering to participate in any specific study — rather, you are registering your interest to be contacted about studies that may be a good fit for you. Joining takes between 5-10 minutes.

Learn more by visiting the ResearchMatch Web site .

This post was submitted by Matt Sluzinski, communications consultant in Public Affairs at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN

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