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    Housecall: Help for dry skin as the seasons change

a close-up of the back of a woman's hand with the word help written in lotionTHIS WEEK'S TOP STORIES
Moisturizers: Options for softer, healthier skin
Fall's cooler temperatures and lower humidity may be drying out your skin. Moisturizers prevent and treat dry skin, protect sensitive skin, improve skin tone and texture, and mask imperfections. Here are some tips for finding the right moisturizer for your dry skin.

Health insurance exchanges: What you need to know
If you don't have health insurance coverage or need financial assistance to afford it, a health insurance exchange can help. Health insurance exchanges provide access to health insurance plans offered by private companies. These plans must cover a core set of benefits that includes hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, prescription drug coverage, and mental health and substance abuse services. Many preventive services are offered at no cost. Here's what you need to know.

Is echinacea effective for the common cold?
Are you thinking about taking an echinacea supplement to get over a cold faster? Some studies have found echinacea to be helpful, while other studies have found no benefit. Learn more from Dr. Brent Bauer, director of Mayo Clinic's Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program.

Can blood pressure be higher in one arm?
Generally, a small difference in blood pressure readings between arms isn't a health concern. However, a difference of more than 10 millimeters of mercury for either your top number (systolic pressure) or bottom number (diastolic pressure) may be a sign of blocked arteries, diabetes or other health problem. Learn more from Dr. Sheldon Sheps, an emeritus Mayo Clinic hypertension and peripheral vascular diseases specialist.

Understanding COPD
Coping with side effects of hepatitis C drugs
Slideshow: Weight training exercises
HPV vaccine: Who needs it, how it works

Whole-wheat pumpkin pancakes
Pumpkin spice muffins
Pumpkin soup
Pumpkin-hazelnut tea cake

Cutting sugar out of mom's famous brownies?
Love to bake but don't need extra calories? Try using less sugar to reduce total calories. In most baked goods, you can leave out one-third to one-half of the sugar listed in the recipe without affecting the texture. And skip the frosting.

Need practical advice on diet and exercise? Want creative solutions for stress and other lifestyle issues? Discover more healthy lifestyle topics at mayoclinic.org.

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