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    Housecall: Menopause and hormone therapy

a close-up of a smiling middle-aged womanTHIS WEEK'S TOP STORIES
Hormone therapy: Is it right for you?
Hormone replacement therapy — medications containing female hormones to replace the ones the body no longer makes after menopause — is sometimes used to treat common menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and vaginal discomfort. Hormone therapy also has been proven to prevent bone loss and reduce fracture in postmenopausal women. Along with the benefits, there are risks associated with using hormone therapy, though. Learn more about hormone therapy and whether it might be right for you.

Traveler's diarrhea
Going on vacation this summer? The wrong dietary choices can ruin your trip. Knowing what to eat and drink — and what to skip — can help you avoid this unpleasant digestive disorder. It's also important to know when you need to seek medical care if you do become ill. Here's what you need to know about traveler's diarrhea.

Does caffeine help with weight loss?
Caffeine may slightly boost weight loss or prevent weight gain by suppressing your appetite or increasing your energy use. However, there's no sound evidence that increased caffeine consumption results in significant or permanent weight loss. Learn more from Katherine Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic registered dietitian nutritionist.

What works for managing anxiety with MS?
Living with a chronic, unpredictable condition can take a psychological toll. People with multiple sclerosis (MS) have an increased risk of anxiety for many reasons, including damage to your brain's nerve cells or side effects from medications used to treat the disease. The good news is that, unlike some other aspects of MS, anxiety is treatable. And, with proper treatment, you can significantly improve your quality of life. Learn more from Dr. B. Mark Keegan, a Mayo Clinic neurologist.

Snakebites: First aid
Group B strep disease
Stretch marks
Slideshow: Aquatic exercises

Smoky frittata
Braised kale with cherry tomatoes
Quinoa salad
Ratatouille with roasted tomato vinaigrette

Whole grains for a healthy heart
Whole grains are good sources of fiber. Better yet, nutrients found in whole grains help promote heart health. To increase the amount of whole grains in your diet, make simple substitutions:

  1. Choose breads made from 100 percent whole grain instead of those made from refined white flour.
  2. Select brown rice instead of white rice.
  3. Trade sugar-sweetened cereals for whole-grain cereals, such as whole-wheat bran flakes, shredded wheat or oatmeal.

Need practical advice on diet and exercise? Want creative solutions for stress and other lifestyle issues? Discover more healthy lifestyle topics at mayoclinic.org.

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