• Cancer

    Housecall: Seniors and nutrition

an elderly woman sitting at her kitchen table with a cup in hand, staring out the windowTHIS WEEK'S TOP STORIES
Senior health: How to prevent and detect malnutrition
Good nutrition is critical to overall health and well-being. Yet many older adults are at risk of inadequate nutrition. Know the causes and signs of nutrition problems in older adults, as well as steps you can take to ensure a nutrient-rich diet for an older loved one.

Oral health: A window to your overall health
Did you know that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body? Poor oral health can contribute to many diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, premature birth and low birth weight, rheumatoid arthritis, and eating disorders. Learn more about why paying attention to oral health is so important, and what you can do to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy.

Is there any link between cellphones and cancer?
The possible connection between cellphones and cancer is controversial. Many years' worth of studies on cellphones and cancer have yielded conflicting results. Learn more from Dr. Edward Creagan, an emeritus Mayo Clinic oncologist.

What's the best frequency for aerobic workouts?
Any type of aerobic activity contributes to cardiovascular fitness. Even dividing up your activity time, such as a few five-minute walks spread throughout the day, offers aerobic benefits. And longer, less frequent sessions of aerobic exercise have no clear advantage over shorter, more frequent sessions of activity. Learn more from Dr. Edward Laskowski, a Mayo Clinic physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist and co-director of the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center.

Alcoholic hepatitis
Infographic: Back pain
Video: 'A Very Happy Brain'
Carotid endarterectomy

Avocado salad with ginger-miso dressing
Italian meatballs
Chicken tamales
Quibebe soup

Too sick to exercise?
The common cold doesn't have to keep you on the sidelines. Mild to moderate exercise is usually OK if your symptoms are all above the neck, such as a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing or a minor sore throat. However, if your symptoms are below the neck, such as chest congestion, a hacking cough or an upset stomach, delay your workout. And don't exercise if you have a fever, fatigue or widespread muscle aches.

Need practical advice on diet and exercise? Want creative solutions for stress and other lifestyle issues? Discover more healthy lifestyle topics at mayoclinic.org.

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