• Health & Wellness

    How to Create Excellent Health Care: Dr. Noseworthy at the National Press Club

“The answers to the challenges that America faces will not be simple, but if we align how we pay for care with how we diagnose and treat patients, we can reach our goal of high-value care for every patient.”             - Dr. Noseworthy

NEWS RELEASE: Americans Want, Deserve Excellent Health Care; Mayo Clinic CEO Outlines How to Create It

More work needed to offer high-quality care at lower cost, CEO says in National Press Club speech

WASHINGTON - Americans want and deserve excellent health care — whether they are visiting a primary care physician for a checkup, having surgery or need more complex care — but many wonder how they and the nation will afford it. In remarks Tuesday to the National Press Club, Mayo Clinic President and CEO John Noseworthy, M.D., outlined three steps health care providers and policymakers should take to create high-quality, patient-centered care at lower costs:

  • Deliver knowledge: Mayo Clinic and other health care providers must move quickly to put the knowledge gained through research into practice, benefiting patients. That is often easier said than done, in large part because of the constant flood of new information, Dr. Noseworthy says.   
  • Create value: High-quality care at lower costs can seem like an elusive goal, but new partnerships can make it possible, Dr. Noseworthy says.   
  • Fund excellence: The government must fund innovation, create a payment system that is data-driven and recognizes the different levels of care and rewards quality and value at each level, and overhaul Medicare’s payment structure, Dr. Noseworthy says.

Read: NPCLuncheonTranscript

Click here to listen to the audio of Dr. Noseworthy's Press Club Speech