• How to Live with Multiple Sclerosis

Mayo Clinic Expert Available to Discuss Long-Term Health for People with MS

For people with multiple sclerosis — as many as 350,000 Americans, and an estimated 200 new diagnoses every week — managing the debilitating symptoms are difficult. A range of medications can help with the fluctuating neurological symptoms like numbness, lack of balance, muscle spasticity, pain and fatigue, but people with MS should get appropriate care for other health needs as well. Kathryn Stolp, M.D., with the Mayo Clinic Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation says, “MS is not always disabling and very seldom life-ending. People with MS can live long, vibrant lives. Their other health needs, beyond MS treatment, should fit into the larger picture of their care.” 

Sound bites with Dr. Stolp are in the downloads above

Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Kathryn Stolp, Mayo Clinic PM&R

To interview Dr. Stolp, contact:
Bryan Anderson 


Among Dr. Stolp’s key points are:
* One lesser known effect of some commonly prescribed antidepressants is that they can exacerbate muscle spasticity of MS and further impede walking.
* Even though managing MS symptoms may overshadow a person’s medical concerns, regular preventive health care remains important. Women with MS should still get regular Pap smears and mammograms, and women and men should have colonoscopies.
* Any new aches and pains should be addressed as they would be for anyone. 

A physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist can help a patient address and correct musculoskeletal issues, which may alleviate pain.
* As flu season approaches, people with MS should check with their neurologist about receiving a flu vaccine.