• Health & Wellness

    Just a Few Days in Hospital Makes a Difference

Physical and mental decline can be common side effects, even if you're hospitalized for just a few days. So, Mayo Clinic aging and fitness experts Nathan LeBrasseur, Ph.D., and Michael Joyner, M.D., are highlighting these issues during National Physical Therapy Month. They say there are steps patients can take to regain strength, stamina and mental sharpness after time in the hospital. “This kind of long-held belief or dogma that ‘rest is best’ is clearly not the right answer. We know from a number of different studies in different settings that exercise plays a very active role in the recovery process,” according to Dr. LeBrasseur.

Read entire news release

Patient b-roll and sound bites with Drs. Joyner/LeBrasseur available in the downloads.

For interviews please contact:
Sharon Theimer
507-284-5005 (days)

507-284-2511 (evenings)
Email: newsbureau@mayo.edu