Living With Cancer: 10 cancer treatment myths
Cancer treatment myths
As advances in the treatment of cancer have increased, there are more opportunities to learn the facts about this disease. Yet some misleading ideas about cancer treatment still persist. Misconceptions about cancer treatment might make you feel confused or unsure when making treatment decisions. Knowing the truth can help you feel more comfortable. Learn more from Dr. Timothy Moynihan, an emeritus Mayo Clinic medical oncologist.
Managing your emotions after cancer treatment
After treatment for cancer, it's common to experience emotions that may be overwhelming: fear of recurrence, depression, anxiety, anger, self-consciousness and more. Take time to acknowledge those feelings. Then take steps to understand why you feel the way you do and what you can do about it. Here are some ideas that may help.
Treating salivary gland cancer
If you're diagnosed with salivary gland cancer, your health care provider will determine the extent, or stage, of your cancer. Treatment depends on the type, size and stage of the tumor, as well as your overall health and preferences. Salivary gland tumor treatment usually involves surgery, with or without radiation therapy. Learn more about the treatment options for salivary gland cancer.