• Cancer

    Living With Cancer: Colon cancer screening — know your options

a close-up of a bald, serious-looking, middle-aged man outsideWeighing the options for colon cancer screening 
If your health care provider has recommended colon cancer screening, you might be able to choose from various screening tests. If you're reluctant to make a decision, remember that any discomfort or embarrassment from colon cancer screening is temporary, and detecting problems early could save your life. Here's what you need to know.

Understanding cancer survival statistics 
It's up to you whether you want to know the survival rates associated with your type and stage of cancer. For some people, knowing everything about their cancer can reduce anxiety as they analyze treatment options. For others, survival statistics can be impersonal, confusing and frightening. Learn more about cancer survival statistics and how the information is used.

Chemotherapy for breast cancer 
Chemotherapy for breast cancer frequently is used in addition to other treatments, such as surgery, radiation or hormone therapy. Receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer may increase the chance of a cure, decrease the risk of the cancer recurring, alleviate symptoms from the cancer or help people with cancer live longer with a better quality of life. It also carries a risk of side effects — some temporary and mild, others more serious or permanent. Learn more about chemotherapy for breast cancer and whether it might be right for you.