• Cancer

    Living With Cancer: Does pomegranate juice slow progression of prostate cancer?

a whole pomegranate, one cut in half, and pomegranate juice in a pitcher and a glassPomegranate juice and prostate cancer 
Some research suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may slow the progression of prostate cancer. While those findings are only preliminary, several clinical trials are underway. Learn more from Dr. Erik Castle, a Mayo Clinic urologist.

Cancer survivors: Reconnecting with loved ones after treatment
As a cancer survivor, your friends and family can provide an important circle of support. They love you and are worried about you, but they sometimes have strange ways of showing it. Some people may withdraw and avoid talking to you. Others may smother you and treat you like a child. Learn how to nurture relationships so that you can avoid common problems.

Is photodynamic therapy an effective treatment for lung cancer? 
Photodynamic therapy may play a limited role in lung cancer treatment — generally complementing, rather than replacing, other forms of treatment. Specifically, it may be an option for treating superficial non-small cell lung cancers that haven't spread beyond the lungs and those that are located in areas easily reached with the tools used during the treatment. Learn more from Dr. Timothy Moynihan, an emeritus Mayo Clinic oncologist.