Living With Cancer: Lung cancer, smoking, and why it’s always a good time to quit

Lung cancer and smoking
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. Lung cancer claims more lives each year than colon, prostate, ovarian and breast cancers combined. Although the disease can occur in people who have never smoked, people who smoke or have smoked have the greatest risk of lung cancer. Quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do for your health. And it's never too late to quit smoking, even after a cancer diagnosis. Learn more about the connection between lung cancer and smoking, and how you can quit smoking.
Male breast cancer
Male breast cancer is rare. It's most common in older men, though it can occur at any age. Men diagnosed with breast cancer at an early stage have a good chance for a cure. Your health care provider will consider the stage of your cancer, and your overall health and preferences when determining your treatment options. Treatment often involves surgery and also may include radiation therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy. Learn about the signs, symptoms and risk factors for male breast cancer.
Cancer treatment for women: Possible sexual side effects
Treatment for any cancer carries the risk of causing physical changes to your body that can alter your body image and sexuality. And having cancer also affects your emotions — no matter what type of cancer you have. You may feel anxious about your diagnosis, treatment or prognosis, and these emotions can affect your attitude toward sex and intimacy with your partner. Learn more about the possible sexual side effects of your cancer treatment and what you can do to cope.