• Cancer

    Living With Cancer: Protecting yourself from melanoma

a medical illustration of a woman doing a skin self-examinationMelanoma: Prevention
Spring's warmer temperatures feel great, but the sun has a dangerous side too. Its ultraviolet rays can cause melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer. From avoiding sun exposure during the part of the day when the sun's rays are strongest to wearing protective sunscreen and clothing, and periodically checking your skin for worrisome changes, here's how to protect yourself from melanoma and other types of skin cancer.

Metastatic breast cancer: Questions and conversations
Finding out you have metastatic breast cancer can be shocking. Once you've had a chance to gather your thoughts, make time to have conversations with your health care provider and your loved ones about next steps. Dr. Timothy Moynihan, a Mayo Clinic oncologist, shares his advice on issues you may want to consider.

Cancer survivors take control by writing their own story
A cancer diagnosis may bring feelings of loss of control, of becoming a patient defined by the disease and treatment. You may lose your sense of self. Writing can be a way to express your feelings, validate what you're experiencing and bring a sense of order to your life. Here are some ideas that may help if you'd like to write about your personal experiences.