• Cancer

    Living With Cancer: Staying connected

a small group of friends, a older man and two older women, talking and laughing togetherThe importance of connection and support
Staying connected when you're living with cancer is important to your overall well-being. But the support and social contact you prefer might look different during this time. Here are a few ideas to keep your social connections during times when you find it physically or emotionally difficult.

Esophageal cancer: Treatment
The treatments you may receive for esophageal cancer are based on the type of cells involved in your cancer, your cancer's stage, your overall health and your preferences. What are the benefits and risks of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy for treating esophageal cancer? And can alternative medicine help ease side effects? Here's what you need to know.

Lip cancer: An overview
Lip cancer risk factors include excessive sun exposure and tobacco use. Treatment usually involves surgery to remove the cancer, and possibly also radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Learn more about the risk factors and treatment options for lip cancer.