• Living With Cancer: What do you know about cervical cancer?

a medical illustration of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer: Symptoms and causes
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about cervical cancer. Early-stage cervical cancer generally produces no signs or symptoms. Indications of more advanced cervical cancer include vaginal bleeding after intercourse, between periods or after menopause; watery, bloody vaginal discharge that may be heavy and have a foul odor; and pelvic pain or pain during intercourse. It isn't clear what causes cervical cancer, but it's certain that HPV plays a role, along with environmental factors and lifestyle choices. Learn more about the risk factors for cervical cancer and what you can do to keep yourself healthy.

Sweet's syndrome
Sweet's syndrome is a rare skin condition. Signs and symptoms of Sweet's syndrome include fever and painful skin lesions that appear mostly on your arms, neck, head and trunk. The exact cause isn't known. In some people, it's triggered by an infection, illness or certain medications. It sometimes is associated with cancer, most often leukemia. Occasionally, this condition may be associated with a solid tumor, such as breast or colon cancer. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment options for Sweet's syndrome.

Where can prostate cancer spread?
When cancer cells break away from a tumor in the prostate, they can travel to other areas of the body. In theory, prostate cancer cells can spread anywhere in the body. In practice, though, most cases of prostate cancer metastasis occur in the lymph nodes and the bones. Learn more from Dr. Erik Castle, a Mayo Clinic urologist.