• Living With Cancer: When cancer returns

an older man, looking worried or thoughtful, talking with a female health care providerCoping with cancer recurrence 
A cancer recurrence happens because, despite the best efforts to help you become cancer-free, some cancer cells remained. Cancer can recur in the same place it was located originally, or it can spread to other parts of the body. Cancer recurrence can bring back many of the same emotions you felt when you were first diagnosed with cancer. Learn how to handle the anger, distress and self-doubt you may feel, as well as the science behind cancer recurrence.

Does flaxseed affect the risk of prostate cancer?
There is limited evidence to support the idea that taking flaxseed might lower your risk of prostate cancer. Some studies have suggested that flaxseed may positively affect the prostate. Other studies have shown no positive effect. Learn more from Dr. Erik Castle, a Mayo Clinic urologist.