• Health & Wellness

    Lower-Income Patients Fare Better Than Wealthier

Patients who make $35,000 a year or less report better outcomes after knee replacement surgery than people who earn more. The lower-income patients studied by Mayo Clinic and the University of Alabama at Birmingham reported less pain and better knee function at their two-year checkups than wealthier people. Study author David Lewallen, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at Mayo Clinic says, “It runs counter to what many might have expected to see. We need to work to understand it further.” 

The study is being presented at the American College of Rheumatology annual meeting.  

Read entire news release: Knee Replacement

Sound bites with Dr. Lewallen are available in the downloads above

Title for broadcast cg: Dr. David Lewallen, Mayo Clinic Orthopedic Surgeon