Grants from Mayo Clinic’s EverybodyIN Fund for Change were awarded to 36 organizations in Mayo Clinic communities, including 17 organizations in the regions Mayo Clinic Health system serves.
This article is written by Mayo Clinic staff.
Mayo Clinic has awarded grants through its EverybodyIN Fund for Change to 36 organizations and programs to promote racial equity in the communities it serves. The grants were made possible by more than $88,800 in staff contributions and a Mayo Clinic match which brought the EverybodyIN Fund for Change total to $200,000.
The grants, ranging from $1,000 to $15,000, were awarded to 36 organizations in Mayo Clinic communities, including 17 organizations in the regions Mayo Clinic Health System serves.
Funds from the EverybodyIN Fund for Change have been awarded to support these initiatives:
- 904Ward Race Cards app, a game that reinforces the mission of the 904Ward organization in Jacksonville to create racial healing and equity through deep conversations and learning.
- Racial equity task force in Rochester.
- Coalition of Blacks against prostate cancer in Arizona.
- Diversity training in Southeast Minnesota.
- Equitable and domestic sexual violence services in rural Northwest Wisconsin.
- YWCA racial justice workshops in Southwest Wisconsin.
"We are incredibly thankful to the employees at Mayo Clinic," says Kimberly Allen, Ph.D., president of 904Ward, an organization in Jacksonville whose vision is to bring an end to racism. "This grant demonstrates a commitment to ending racism by giving our community immediate access to a tool that makes difficult conversations about race productive and action-oriented. We could not be more proud of being a recipient of the EverybodyIN grant."
About the EverybodyIN Fund for Change
The EverybodyIN Fund for Change was established in 2020 in response to Mayo Clinic staff's desire to support the change they seek in their communities. The fund was launched in conjunction with Mayo Clinic's EverybodyIN initiative, renewing its commitment to equity, inclusion and diversity.
More than 100 organizations across Mayo Clinic’s communities applied for the grant. Each Mayo Clinic location and region established its own review team to ensure a consistent review process. Panelists on the review teams included members from Mayo Clinic’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, staff from Mayo Clinic’s Community Engagement teams and other volunteers. community engagement staff and other volunteers.
"We are very pleased to announce the organizations selected by our three Mayo Clinic sites and four Mayo Clinic Health System regions," says Erin Sexton, director of Enterprise Community Engagement. "We were inspired as we read about many wonderful programs serving our communities, as well as plans for new initiatives to advance equity, diversity and inclusion."
Media contact:
Mayo Clinic Public Affairs, newsbureau@mayo.edu

Below are recipients of the EverybodyIN Fund for Change grants:
ElevateMeD Scholars Program
ElevateMeD, Inc
Uncomfortable Conversations that Ignite Change -- The Dialogue Continues
Diversity Leadership Alliance
Community Celebrating Diversity
Community Celebrating Diversity
Development of Coalition of Blacks Against Prostate Cancer
Coalition of Blacks Against Prostate Cancer
Respecting Diversity
Health World Education
Center for Advocacy & Social Justice Inspire Change Initiative
Jacksonville Urban League
Race Cards App
Refugee Services
Lutheran Social Services
Girls Matter: It’s Elementary
Delores Barr Weaver Policy Center, Inc.
Disability Impact Sessions
Opportunity Development Inc.
After-School Program
MaliVai Washington Kids Foundation
Americorps Duval Reads Literacy Program
Communities in Schools of Jacksonville
The Community Project
Center for Children's Rights, Inc.
Spark and North Star Programs
Hope Fuse
Rochester Area COVID-19 Resource Hotline for Spanish Speakers
Hispanic Advocacy and Community Empowerment through Research
Project Empower
Project Legacy
Racial Equity Taskforce
Nonprofit Consortium
Community Liaison
Sports Mentorship Academy
Culturally Powered Communities
Olmsted County United Way
Southeast Minnesota
Equity Innovation Lab Exploration
Welcome Center, Inc.
Waking Up Red Wing
United Way of Goodhue, Wabasha & Pierce Counties WITH Allies of Human Rights
Bridging the Equity Divide: Four Pathways to Increased Equity & Inclusion
Cultural Diversity Network of Owatonna
Diversity Training
Project FINE
Southwest Wisconsin
Hamilton IN for Change
Hamilton Elementary School
Latinx Outreach, Response, and Recovery Program
Fair and Impartial Policing Training
La Crosse Police Department
Racial Justice Workshops
Northwest Wisconsin
Diverse Books for Youth
Chippewa Falls Public Library
Equitable & Inclusive Domestic and Sexual Violence Services in Rural Wisconsin
Embrace Services, Inc.
Outreach to People of Color and Marginalized Groups
LGBT Community Center of the Chippewa Valley
Commonunity and Translation of Information
Southwest Minnesota
Outreach and Education
New Prague Chapter of PFLAG
Youth Racial Justice Facilitator Program
MY Place
Closing the "Provider of Color" Gap Within Behavioral Healthcare
Minnesota State University, Mankato College of Allied Health & Nursing
Outreach & Communication to Underserved Populations
Open Door Health Center
Women in Transition
Life-Work Planning Center