• Mayo Clinic Fitness Expert Available to Discuss Safe, Effective Strength Training

ROCHESTER, Minn. — With New Year's resolutions still fresh in mind, many people are taking bold steps to get fit and build strength. But some strength training exercises, which tend to get passed along at the gym like folklore, may not be based on how the body works best.

woman using exercise ball

"All too often, strength training programs don't take into account correct biomechanics or even individual body types," says Mayo Clinic's Ed Laskowski, M.D., of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Some strength training exercises, if performed with poor technique, can cause injuries ranging from spontaneous twinges to the aches that come from months of cumulative stress.

The key to safe, effective strength training is doing it right. Dr. Laskowski is available to talk about techniques that get results and help avoid injury. Among his strength training advice is:

  • Core stability is essential to upper body, lower body and trunk strengthening. Training the core involves not only activating abdominal muscles but also training back muscles. Workouts need to progress beyond fitness balls to upright positions that are similar to life and sport movement patterns.
  • Many people focus on training the muscles in the chest and in the front of the shoulder. For balanced strength in the shoulder, a training program should emphasize strengthening the muscles in the upper back as well as the back of the shoulder.
  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists can help people review their workouts to optimize benefit and point out potentially dangerous flaws that may cause injury. Novice or seasoned athletes can ensure a proper foundation by making an appointment to review the appropriate biomechanics of a workout, a football throw, or even a golf swing.

Dr. Laskowski is co-director of the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center. In 2006, he was appointed by President George W. Bush to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. He was a member of the Olympic Polyclinic Medical Staff for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. A specialist in fitness, wellness, injury "protection," conditioning, and strength and stability training, his strength training workout tips are among the most visited health videos on the Mayo Clinic's website.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Laskowski, contact Bryan Anderson at 507-284-5005 or newsbureau@mayo.edu.

Media Contact: Bryan Anderson, 507-284-5005 (days), newsbureau@mayo.edu