Mayo Clinic implements Epic electronic health record at its Rochester campus
ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic continues its move to a single, integrated electronic health record and billing system with the implementation of Epic at its Rochester campus.
Epic, which went live in Rochester on Saturday, May 5, replaces multiple electronic health record systems that had been in use. Epic has been built to meet the specific needs of Mayo Clinic patients and staff, and will be the foundation for operations for years to come.
The implementation of Epic is part of the Plummer Project, an initiative that continues the legacy of Henry Plummer, M.D., who created the world’s first patient-centered health record at Mayo Clinic more than a century ago. More than 51,000 Mayo staff members will be trained to use Epic.
“This major step in the implementation of the Plummer Project is a confirmation of the dedication, planning and execution by outstanding Mayo Clinic staff, Epic colleagues and our implementation partners,” said Steve Peters, M.D., co-chair of the initiative. “Having one integrated system builds on our foundation of putting the needs of patients first, which will enhance services, accelerate innovation, and enable us to provide better care.”
This is Mayo Clinic’s third of four implementations. Epic was launched across Mayo Clinic Health System in Wisconsin and Minnesota in 2017. Mayo Clinic’s Arizona and Florida campuses are scheduled to go live on Epic in the fall.
Once Epic is in place across Mayo Clinic, patients and providers will have the information they need from one system, regardless of where patients are seen across Mayo. This includes medications, allergies, immunizations, lab results and health histories. Patients also will be able to check in electronically. Epic has tools to help physicians and other providers to share information more effectively with patients and compare Mayo patient results with best practices. All future billing will be done through one system, so patients will receive one consolidated statement.
“This is a testament to an incredibly hard-working, well-synchronized team, said Christopher Ross, chief information officer, Mayo Clinic. “Working on a unified system will enhance our ability to share information and take the best practices of Mayo Clinic to benefit all patients at all sites.”
About Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, comprehensive care to everyone who needs healing. Learn more about Mayo Clinic. Visit the Mayo Clinic News Network.
Media contact:
- Rhoda Madson, Mayo Clinic Public Affairs, 507-284-5005, newsbureau@mayo.edu
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