• Health & Wellness

    Mayo Clinic Launches Individualized Medicine Consulting Clinic

You have a serious medical condition, but the conventional tests fail to find an answer. You still have no diagnosis and no effective treatment. What do you do?

Mayo Clinic has always been a destination for patients seeking answers, and now Mayo is taking that concept to the next level with the public launch of its Individualized Medicine Clinic at all three of its campuses — in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona.

Gianrico Farrugia, M.D., director of Mayo’s Center for Individualized Medicine, says, “This is not whimsical sequencing, but a comprehensive and professional approach aimed at serious problems. This is what we’ve been working toward since the genome was mapped.” To be clear, this is not experimental medicine or a clinical trial. It is cutting-edge tertiary clinical care and a regular part of Mayo Clinic’s medical practice.

Click here for news release

Watch Dennis' story:

Journalists: Sound bites with patient Denis Keegan and genetic counselor, Maegan Roberts, M.S., C.G.C. are available in the downloads