• Mayo Clinic Minute: Beware the Health Headline

You may have heard there's a new study out with good news about pasta: It's associated with a reduction in body mass index. What you might not have seen is the study was funded, in part, by a pasta company.

Time.com reports the Barilla S.p.A. company and the Italian government provided funding, and the study authors revealed no conflicts of interest.

While the information about the funding sources doesn't negate the study's findings that appropriate servings of pasta can be part of a healthy diet, the news offers more context about the work.

At a time when these studies are shortened to online articles, and stories are boiled down to eye-catching posts on social media, experts say it's important to dig deeper for a full perspective.

In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Jeff Olsen gets a doctor's advice on wading through the steady stream of health care headlines.

Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute

Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1:08) is in the downloads. Read the script.