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    Mayo Clinic Minute: Center for Tuberculosis (TB) Passes Milestone

digital image of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteriaMayo Clinic has been working to end TB ever since the first clinical trials were conducted by its physicians back in the first half of the 20th century. Today, Mayo Clinic continues to fight the disease through a center that combines the speed of the Internet with the strength of Mayo’s integrated model of care.

In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention designated Mayo Clinic a Regional Tuberculosis Training and Medical Consultation Center. Since then, the Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis has completed more than 1,000 virtual consultations for health care providers in its region, helping to identify and treat TB across a wide swath of the northern U.S.

In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Stacey Rizza explains the three main goals of the Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis and shows how a physician from as far away as Montana or Ohio can get guidance from an entire team of Mayo Clinic health care providers within 24 hours. 

Watch the Mayo Clinic Minute.

Watch Dr. Rizza’s answers to FAQs about TB:

What is TB?

Who is at risk for getting TB?

How do you test for TB?

What are the two stages of infection?

How do you prevent TB?

Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1:06) is in the downloads. Read the Mayo Clinic Minute script.