• Mayo Clinic Minute: Filtering coffee facts from fiction

Is coffee good or bad for your health? Some consumers might find recent news stories and research papers about the risks and benefits of coffee confusing. Dr. Donald Hensrud, director of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, says that for most healthy adults, there's no need to worry about pouring that second or third cup. Coffee is good for you.

Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute

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Ah, that morning cup of Joe. It's a must-do for many people. But can you drink too much?

"Coffee is associated with many different health benefits: Type 2 diabetes; reduced risk of heart disease; reduced risk of certain cancers; improved mood; reduced risk of depression, Parkinson's disease; the list goes on and on," says Dr. Hensrud.

He says that although there is a tiny bit of a substance in coffee, called "acrylamide," that's toxic in large amounts, the benefits of drinking coffee outweigh the risks. 

"It's the highest source of antioxidants, and, so, even decaffeinated coffee has been associated with a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, similar to caffeinated coffee," says Dr. Hensrud.

He adds that pregnant women and people who have side effects, such as headache, nervousness or heart palpitations, should limit caffeine. 

"Drink what you enjoy. If you're susceptible to the effects of caffeine, decaffeinated coffee is an excellent choice," says Dr. Hensrud.