For months, the community has been asked or required to wear a face mask in public to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. For those who don’t like to wear a mask, Dr. John O'Horo, an infectious diseases physician at Mayo Clinic, offers some thoughts.
Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0:59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please "Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script.
If you hate wearing a face mask, Dr. John O'Horo says you are not alone.
"I don't think anybody likes to wear a mask. That is absolutely true. It's uncomfortable, and it is the new normal."
Masks are the new normal for grocery shopping, for entering buildings and being around others.
"It's difficult to be reminded of this every minute of every day when you're out in public," says Dr. O'Horo.
But wearing a mask is an important step in reducing the spread of COVID-19.
"The reason we need to do this is because the risk of transmission is very real," says Dr. O'Horo. "And people may be transmitting without knowing that they're infected."
Dr. O'Horo says its important for everyone to take safety measures seriously and he offers five actions.
"The five things that you always have to do are: Wear a mask, maintain your social distancing of 6 feet wherever you can, clean high-touch surfaces, wash your hands, and avoid crowds.”
And make sure you get a flu shot. It won't prevent COVID-19, but it will reduce your risk of the getting the flu.
Information in this post was accurate at the time of its posting. Due to the fluid nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientific understanding, along with guidelines and recommendations, may have changed since the original publication date.
For the safety of its patients, staff and visitors, Mayo Clinic has strict masking policies in place. Anyone shown without a mask was recorded prior to COVID-19 or recorded in an area not designated for patient care, where social distancing and other safety protocols were followed.
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