Mayo Clinic — Proactive, Nimble, Responsive in the Science of Dissemination and Implementation

AcademyHealth and the National Institutes of Health sponsor an annual conference dedicated to ensuring that evidence is used to inform decisions that will improve the health of individuals and communities. This year's event, themed "(Re)Building Better Systems: Being Proactive, Nimble, and Responsive," is live in Washington, D.C., Dec. 11-14.
Investigators in the Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, and others at Mayo Clinic, participate in December's Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, and other AcademyHealth scientific conferences each year. These events provide an opportunity to present research findings to a broad peer researcher audience, to learn and engage in discussions surrounding the advancement of the quadruple aim of improving patient outcomes and experience, managing the cost of care, and enhancing the resiliency and well-being of health care professionals.
The Mayo Clinic Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery is a supporter of the event, and sponsor of a special session, Dissemination and Implementation in the Era of AI and Digital Revolution: Lessons Learned from A Large Health System, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2:30 - 3:45 p.m., Eastern Time.
Mayo Clinic investigators and research collaborators are presenting other findings throughout the rest of the program, including the following:
Monday, Dec. 12, 4:30 - 6 p.m.
Poster Session: Clinical Care Settings: System-level Interventions
- Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a web-based decision aid in surgery clinics
- Development and dissemination of COVID-19 communication resources: a rapid response to institutional needs in time of pandemic
- Health systems collaborating to implement shared decision-making tools in the EHR
- Implementing digital dermatopathology in a tertiary academic medical center: qualitative insights using normalization process theory.
- Serious illness communication skills training for emergency physicians and advanced practice providers: a multi-method assessment of the reach and effectiveness of the intervention
Poster Session: Clinical Care Settings: Patient-level Interventions
- Designing an encounter decision aid for primary preventive care with clinical implementation in mind
- Leveraging principles of human-centered design, health systems engineering, and healthcare delivery science to create, implement, and evaluate a multi-specialty outpatient care clinic for patients experiencing central sensitization based chronic pain
Poster Session: Health Policy Dissemination & Implementation
Longitudinal patterns in testosterone prescribing after U.S. FDA safety communication in 2014
Tuesday, Dec. 13
7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Coffee Chat: Technology in D&I led by Eric Klavetter and David Rushlow
8 - 9:30 a.m.
Poster Session: Models, Measures, and Methods
Precede/proceed epidemiological assessment of patients diagnosed with cancer after presenting to the emergency department
Poster Session: Models, Measures, and Methods
- Applying existing tools to orienting researchers to the complexities of multilevel interventions: experience developing a public good.
- Developing foundational methods and public goods to advance the science of multilevel interventions.
- Establishing methods for qualitative data integration to advance implementation science within research consortia
- Leveraging principles of human-centered design, health systems engineering, and healthcare delivery science to create, implement, and evaluate a multi-specialty outpatient care clinic for patients experiencing central sensitization based chronic pain
- Tracking intervention adaptations in a multi-site pragmatic trial of a cancer symptom management intervention
Special Session 2:30 - 3:45 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 14
10:15 - 11 a.m.
Podium Session: Methods for documenting and tracking implementation strategies in research consortia