Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Diagnostic testing, precision medicine and what it means for patients

Precision medicine aims to customize health care by tailoring medications and treatments to each patient. An important step in being able to personalize treatments is diagnostic testing.
Mayo Clinic BioPharma Diagnostics collaborates with biopharmaceutical, diagnostic, and other biotech companies to enable precision medicine through advanced diagnostics. Diagnostic testing can help find the right answers for each individual patient.
"A laboratory test can either help in making a diagnosis for a disease, or it can help guide the clinician to the right diagnosis or to the right treatment," explains Dr. Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich, medical director of BioPharma Diagnostics.
Accurate and rapid diagnostic testing has many benefits, says Dr. Algeciras-Schimnich.
"The faster we reach the right diagnosis for a patient, the faster we get to the right treatment. It not only improves their outcome, but it has been shown that the overall cost of health care is also reduced by providing the right answers faster."
On the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Algeciras-Schimnich discusses diagnostic testing, precision medicine and what it means for patients.
Watch: Dr. Algeciras - Schimnich discuss diagnostic and precision medicine.
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