• Health & Wellness

    Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Opioid overdoses and saving lives with naloxone

a slightly out of focus image of a hospital hallway with emergency staff walking quickly pushing a gurney with an injured patient

Naloxone is a potentially lifesaving medication that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid medicine. It can be easily administered to those who overdose. Many who are battling the opioid epidemic would like to see naloxone made more readily available.

Dr. Halena Gazelka, host of the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, is also chair of Mayo Clinic's Opioid Stewardship Program Subcommittee. She is a strong advocate for breaking the stigma of opioid use disorder.

In this Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Gazelka talks with Dr. Bonnie Milas, an anesthesiologist and critical care physician from the University of Pennsylvania. They discuss naloxone, the opioid epidemic and the tragic loss of Dr. Milas' two sons to opioid overdoses.

Watch: Drs. Gazelka and Milas discuss the opioid epidemic and the need to use naloxone.