• Mayo Clinic Radio: Are there health benefits to juicing?

Various whole fruits and three glasses of juice smoothieAs people search for ways to eat healthier and lose weight, juicing, sometimes called a "juice cleanse" or "juice detox," has gained popularity. Juicing is a term that refers to combining fruits and/or vegetables in a juicer or juicing machine to turn them into juice. While juicing may help you get the five to nine recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day, that alone is not a balanced diet. Plus, there are drawbacks to juicing, such as losing the healthy fiber most fruits and vegetables have when eaten.

On the next Mayo Clinic Radio program, Katherine Zeratsky, a registered dietitian and nutritionist at Mayo Clinic, will discuss juicing, lectins and other diet trends. Also on the program, Dr. Fouad Chebib, a nephrologist at Mayo Clinic, will explain polycystic kidney disease. And Dr. Dawn Davis, a dermatologist at Mayo Clinic, will discuss diseases of the hair.

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Mayo Clinic Radio produces a weekly one-hour radio program highlighting health and medical information from Mayo Clinic.