Mayo Clinic Radio: Staying healthy during travel

February is coming to a close this weekend. For many Americans, March means that it’s time to escape the clutches of winter and head off on spring break. As college students and families travel to warmer climates, that also can mean spending time in close quarters with others on an airplane or cruise ship, where germs and viruses can spread. What precautions can be taken to stay healthy and avoid illness during vacation?
On the next Mayo Clinic Radio program, Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases physician, will offer tips for staying healthy during travel. Also on the program, Dr. Edward Laskowski, co-director of Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine, will share exercises that you can do without a gym membership. Next, Dr. Richard Daly, a Mayo Clinic cardiovascular surgeon, will explain robotic mitral valve repair surgery. And, finally, Dr. Sophie Bakri, a Mayo Clinic ophthalmologist and retina specialist, will discuss macular degeneration, a common eye disorder with age.
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