• Mayo Clinic Radio: Quick thinking by accident victim allows for hand replant

close-up of Mayo One air transport helicopter in airWhat was a regular day at work for Kennedy Folkedahl changed in the blink of an eye. While working on a construction site, an accident with a miter saw severed Kennedy’s left hand completely. But thanks to his own quick thinking and Mayo Clinic being just a helicopter ride away, this tragic accident has a happy ending. A hand replant was performed at Mayo Clinic and, after physical therapy and rehabilitation, Kennedy's life has returned to normal.

On the next Mayo Clinic Radio program, Dr. David Dennison, the orthopedic surgeon at Mayo Clinic who performed the hand replant, and his patient, Kennedy, join the program to share their story. Also on the program, Dr. Boyd Viers, a urologist at Mayo Clinic, will explain treatment options for urethral stricture. And Dr. Steve Peters, co-chair of the Plummer Project, will share lessons learned during the project's implementation of a new electronic health record and what it means for patients.

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Mayo Clinic Radio produces a weekly one-hour radio program highlighting health and medical information from Mayo Clinic.