• Mayo Clinic Radio: Infectious diseases update / telemedicine in the emergency department / FoodKeeper app

You are probably aware of the important childhood vaccines recommended to prevent disease, but you may not realize that adults need vaccinations to stay healthy — just like kids do. Last fall, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new vaccine recommendations for adults. Among the recommendations were a booster shot for mumps and the new and improved shingles vaccine for those over age 50.

On the next Mayo Clinic Radio program, Dr. Pritish Tosh, an infectious diseases specialist at Mayo Clinic, will discuss vaccines and take a look back at flu season. Also on the program, Dr. Christopher Russi, director of Community Emergency Medicine at Mayo Clinic, will explain how Mayo Clinic is using telemedicine in the emergency department. And Christopher Bernstein, director for food safety education at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service, will share the USDA’s FoodKeeper app – a tool to help consumers keep their food safe.

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