Mayo Clinic Radio: Tobacco company corrective statements / diabetes technology / motion sickness
In November 2017, the major U.S. tobacco companies were required to begin running court-ordered television and newspaper ads that tell the American public the truth about the dangers of smoking. The ads – called corrective statements –will run for one year on television networks during prime time and in print and online in about 50 newspapers. These corrective statements are a part of the 2006 ruling in a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit, which sought to punish cigarette makers for decades of deceiving the public about the dangers of their products.
On the next Mayo Clinic Radio program, Dr. Richard Hurt, emeritus director of the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center, will discuss the decades-long fight against big tobacco. Also on the program, Dr. Yogish Kudva, a Mayo Clinic endocrinologist, will discuss new diabetes technologies. And, Dr. Rizwan Sohail, director of the Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic at Mayo Clinic, will explain what causes motion sickness and how to avoid it.
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