Mayo Clinic Releases Book With Action Plan to Help Beat Heart Disease
ROCHESTER, Minn. — Heart disease is the nation's No. 1 killer for both men and women. But what's most astonishing is that almost 80 percent of heart disease is preventable, and even small lifestyle changes can have a big impact.
Based on an innovative yet simple "Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8" program, Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart For Life! provides the latest, clinically proven information on heart disease prevention and a step-by-step quick-start plan that breaks through the clutter and helps people understand exactly where to focus:
- Eat 5 or more vegetables or fruits per day. It's not just the protective nutrients they supply, but also that you'll have less room for junk.
- Move 10 extra minutes each day. Recent studies show that a sedentary lifestyle may increase your risk of heart attack as much as smoking does. It's as simple as standing instead of sitting as much as possible.
- Sleep at least 8 hours per day. Chronic sleep deprivation has devastating effects on your heart. It is not a luxury, it's a necessity.
- In addition, enjoy life. Discover what brings you joy and satisfaction. Your mental and emotional state influence heart health just as your genetic makeup and lifestyle habits can.
"As soon you pick up the book, you can start making a difference in your heart health," says Mayo Clinic cardiologist, Martha Grogan, M.D. medical editor-in-chief of Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart For Life! "And, it's easier than you might think. For example, moving even 10 minutes a day for someone who's been sedentary can reduce the risk for heart disease by 50 percent."
In this book, Dr. Grogan and a multi-disciplinary team of Mayo Clinic experts discuss key actions to jump-start heart health. The book also offers management strategies for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions; explains how the heart works and what can go wrong; and offers additional tools, tips and resources to overcome obstacles and support your heart disease prevention plan.
Published by Time Home Entertainment, Inc., Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart for Life! will be available online and in retail outlets nationwide on January 31, 2012. Mayo Clinic's proceeds from the book will support medical education and research at Mayo Clinic.
About Martha Grogan, M.D.
Martha Grogan, M.D. is the medical editor-in-chief of Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart for Life!, and a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Dr. Grogan has been the cardiovascular medical editor of the award-winning web site MayoClinic.com for almost a decade and has a special interest in health education for the general public. Dr. Grogan is a non-invasive cardiologist, specializing in echocardiography, heart failure, and adult congenital heart disease. She conducts clinical research, with a focus on cardiac amyloidosis, a rare disorder, and maintains a busy clinical practice which includes general cardiology. Dr. Grogan lectures widely on a variety of topics in clinical cardiology and is a medical educator at Mayo Clinic.
Media Contact: Traci Klein, 507-284-5005 (days), newsbureau@mayo.edu
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