• Mayo Clinic Research in the news around the world

biobank medical research lab with Mayo Clinic shields in computer monitor

In this unconventional time, we are going to offer an unconventional article, really a collection of the previous week's news stories related to Mayo Clinic Research. Our plan - to share a brief excerpt and link to stories written by journalists around the world. Most will likely be about COVID-19, some may report findings that change as our understanding grows. All will be here to help you better understand how we are working to build the evidence base to help our patients, and people everywhere.

Read the transcript on cbsnew.com of Margaret Brennan's interview with Mayo Clinic President and CEO Gianrico Farrugia, M.D.

By Melissa Healy, 3/28/2020, Los Angeles Times

President Trump has touted the drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as a potential “game changer” for patients sickened by the novel coronavirus. Political activists are urging doctors to prescribe them, and federal officials have asked pharmaceutical manufacturers to make their stocks of these drugs available for immediate use.

But as the medications begin pouring into hospital pharmacies and physicians begin prescribing them, their potential side effects are raising alerts.

An article published this week in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings warns that both drugs could prompt dangerous and potentially deadly heart arrhythmias in the 3 million people worldwide who have a congenital cardiac condition — called long QT syndrome — that can cause the heart to beat erratically and lead to sudden death.

By Heather Landi, 3/25/2020, FierceHealthcare

An industry coalition of health systems, tech giants and healthcare vendors are collaborating to increase COVID-19 testing and coordinate early therapies. The private industry effort, spearhead by Mayo Clinic's John Halamka, M.D. and other industry leaders, plans to leverage the strengths of healthcare organizations, technology companies, non-profits, academia, and startups to provide a focused response to the coronavirus outbreak. "Each coalition member is bringing its unique assets, sharing resources and plans, and working together to support those on the front lines in responding to COVID-19," the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition said in a press release.

Read the FierceHealthcare article online.

Read more on the Advancing the Science, the Mayo Clinic Medical Science Blog – an eclectic collection of research- and research education-related stories: feature stories, mini news bites, learning opportunities, profiles and more from Mayo Clinic.

Other Mayo Clinic medical research websites:

Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for additional updates on COVID-19. For more information and all your COVID-19 coverage, go to the Mayo Clinic News Network and mayoclinic.org.