• Minnesota

    Mayo Clinic Researchers Leave for Everest on Monday

A Mayo Clinic research team of physiologists will leave for Nepal and Mount Everest on Monday afternoon, April 16, from the Rochester, Minn., airport. The team of six will be available for photos and comments at 3:30 p.m. Central time in front of the airport at 7600 Helgerson Dr. SW.

top of mountain peak

The Mayo researchers will be conducting a range of scientific tests on a team of Everest climbers sponsored by The North Face and the National Geographic Society. They will return to Minnesota on May 15.

The Mayo team includes:

  • Bruce Johnson, Ph.D., lead investigator
  • Amine Issa, Ph.D.
  • Bryan Taylor, Ph.D.
  • Doug Summerfield, M.D.
  • Alex Kasak
  • Joel Streed (embedded reporter)

For background on the expedition and ongoing reports on its progress, the public may visit Mayo Clinic on Everest.

The media are welcome to follow the scientific expedition over the next month.
Beginning with the team's departure, the Mayo Clinic News Network will offer a regular posting of video, pictures and information via its portal. To sign up and access this material, go to https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/.

Media Contact: Robert Nellis, 507-284-5005 (days)<newsbureau@mayo.edu