Mayo Clinic supports state emergency orders

Mayo Clinic supports the Minnesota "Stay at Home" order, the Wisconsin "Safer at Home" order, as well as other similar orders being issued across the country, if issued with appropriate exceptions. Our hope is that comprehensive, short-term actions taken now will slow the spread of disease and its long-term impact.
Patients are still allowed to travel to seek care in states where emergency orders are in effect. Emergency orders being issued across the country allow those needing to travel to provide or receive care at a health care facility to do so while the order is in effect. At all of our locations, we’ll continue to follow the protocols that have been put in place to keep our staff, patients and communities safe. Mayo Clinic will continue deferring all elective care. Urgent and emergency care will continue.
Emergency orders are providing broad exemptions for health care workers to continue coming to work. Staff identified as essential to provide patient care at Mayo Clinic sites, including those who support vital operations needed to support patient care and treatment, will continue to report to work.
Mayo Clinic is well-prepared and ready to treat patients with COVID-19 across the organization, while at the same time actively helping the world respond to the global COVID-19 pandemic. As we do this, we will openly share our expertise and point of view with others and make all decisions in a way that aligns with our core mission of putting patient needs first.
For full details on the exemptions, or for more information, please view the Minnesota order and the Wisconsin order. Citizens are asked not to call 911 unless there is an emergency.
Media contact: Mayo Clinic Public Affairs, newsbureau@mayo.edu
Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for additional updates on COVID-19. For more information and all your COVID-19 coverage, go to the Mayo Clinic News Network and mayoclinic.org.