• Mayo’s residents and fellows make impact in the hospital and beyond

Dakota McNierney, D.O., Pulmonary and Critical Care Resident, greets a patient.

In 1931, Dr. William J. Mayo observed, "Each day, as I go through the hospitals surrounded by younger men [and women], they give me of their dreams and I give them of my experience, and I get the better of the exchange."

Nearly a century later, these sentiments still ring true. Residents and fellows not only uphold the values of Mayo Clinic but also have an immeasurable influence on patient care, research, education and the communities where they train. As Mayo Clinic marks National Thank a Resident and Fellow Day on Friday, Feb. 28, it recognizes the countless contributions that its residents and fellows make.

"We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the residents and fellows who have entrusted us with their training. These professionals represent our future workforce," says Annie Sadosty, M.D., dean of the Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education (MCGSME). "Graduate medical education is essential to what we do at Mayo Clinic, and we appreciate the commitment and compassion that our trainees bring to our institution. Every day, but especially today, we want to tell our residents and fellows 'Thank you for all that you do.'"

MCSGME's residents and fellows don't just make a mark in our hospitals, they deliver the Mayo Model of Care to their local communities and beyond through service learning and volunteering.

Here is what some local leaders had to say about our residents:

"From the very beginning, The Salvation Army Good Samaritan Health Clinic has been dependent on the volunteer time of residents from Mayo Clinic. Thirty years later, the residents who volunteer at the Good Sam remain essential. They provide care our patients wouldn't be able to access anywhere else. They give both care and compassion to people who are very ill and often very afraid. We are so grateful to the many residents who have volunteered, and who currently volunteer, to make our clinic a place of refuge for thousands in need of healthcare. From our whole team at The Salvation Army, thank you!"

Cornell Voeller, Major, corps officer for business
The Salvation Army, Rochester, Minn.

"The Landing MN would like to express our deepest gratitude for your incredible work and dedication. Witnessing your compassion and commitment to serving Rochester community members experiencing homelessness has been truly inspiring. The empathy and care you show are a testament to the exceptional training you're receiving at Mayo ... and it gives us so much hope for the future of healthcare. We want to especially recognize the advent of the psychiatric support provided by you in our clinic, and the incredible impact made by this novel approach to mental healthcare. Thank you for all that you do; you make a profound difference in the lives of so many."

Alex Hurlebaus, executive director
The Landing MN, Rochester, Minn.

"Serving our small, rural Minnesota town and its surrounding areas, our Mayo Clinic family medicine residents are the Center Clinic. For 20 years, our residents have provided compassionate and humanizing care to those with minimal resources. They extend Mayo Clinic's mission to those who would otherwise lack access. They inspire hope, promote health and make our community a better place. On this Thank a Resident Day, we celebrate their heart, leadership and commitment."

Cesar A. Gonzalez, Ph.D.
president, Center Clinic, Rochester, Minn.

"We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our amazing Mayo Clinic residents and fellows who give of their time and compassionate services to the patients in our Sulzbacher clinics. The weekly 'Mayo Learners Clinic' is a blessing to Sulzbacher, the vulnerable patients that we serve and to the community at large. If it were not for you, these patients might not receive the treatment that they need and would end up even more ill and in an emergency room or worse. Thank you, Mayo residents and fellows, for your critical partnership, service and empathy. We appreciate you more than you know."

Cindy Funkhouser, president and CEO
Sulzbacher Center, Jacksonville, Fla.

"By adding residents and fellows to our amazing provider team at Volunteers in Medicine we are reaching a new level of care. The residents and fellows add fresh eyes and ideas to our clinic and in turn are mentored by experienced MDs with a wealth of knowledge. Our patients enjoy seeing the residents and fellows and comment on the thoroughness of their visits and compassionate care given. Thank you!"

Suzanne Taylor, chief operating officer
Volunteers in Medicine, Jacksonville, Fla.

"We love our Mayo residents! They travel from all over the country to come to Winslow Indian Healthcare and provide care on the Navajo Nation. They are really insanely smart, incredibly diligent and thoughtful and considerate to the culture and socioeconomic considerations of care out here. We love getting to work with them and are always eager to see where they go!"

Evan Pulvers, M.D.
medical education site director, Winslow Indian Healthcare Center/Dilkon Medical Center, Arizona

"The providers and staff at Circle the City are grateful for the Mayo residents and their commitment to their rotation at Circle the City.  Their engagement and their commitment to work with our staff to serve the most vulnerable in our community is a testament to the type of physician they are striving to be."

William Ellert, M.D.
chief medical officer, Circle the City, Arizona

"At the Chippewa Valley Free Clinic, we are so grateful to have the Family Medicine residents working at our clinic!  They are thoughtful, compassionate and thorough. They provide an invaluable service to our vulnerable patient population. A heartfelt thank you to all the residents!"

Lori Whitis, M.D.
medical director, Chippewa Valley Free Clinic, Wisconsin

About Thank a Resident and Fellow Day

More than 2,000 residents and fellows are enrolled in 309 specialty programs across Mayo Clinic. In 2018, the Gold Humanism Honor Society dedicated a day of recognition to residents and fellows, encouraging medical students at chapters throughout the nation to show their gratitude and appreciation. Thank a Resident and Fellow Day has since expanded to hundreds of programs around the country. You can view more on the Mayo Clinic Thank a Resident and Fellow Day web page.