The COVID-19 surge continues to seriously affect the communities that Mayo Clinic serves across the Upper Midwest. Alarming increases in community exposure rates and test positivity significantly challenge Mayo Clinic's staffing and capacity to serve patients with COVID-19 and other conditions. If you need care, it is still safe to come to Mayo for care.
Across the Midwest, approximately 2.7% of Mayo Clinic’s staff (that's around 1,500 of 55,000 employees) have work restrictions related to COVID-19 exposures, or are unable to work due to a COVID-19 diagnosis. More than 93% of these exposures occurred in the community. In addition, a few exposures were work-related, occurring in break rooms or staff cafeterias where staff were not masked while eating. Mayo Clinic staff are not getting COVID from our patients.
Some points to keep in mind:
- All staff reporting to work on campus are expected to adhere to a thorough screening program.
- Staff who develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 do not work until they have a negative COVID-19 test and any indicated clinical evaluation.
- Staff with symptoms of illness work with our Occupational Health experts to help ensure they receive the care they need and follow appropriate work restrictions.
- Safe behaviors, including wearing masks, good hand hygiene and social distancing when possible, among both staff and patients help prevent the spread of the virus.
Media contact:
- Mayo Clinic Public Affairs, newsbureau@mayo.edu
Learn more about: Tracking and trending COVID-19