• Health & Wellness

    Medical Residents Aren’t Choosing General Internal Medicine

The U.S. population is aging, cases of chronic diseases are on the rise and the need for primary care physicians is increasing. However, a recent Mayo Clinc study discovered a low percentage of medical residents are planning to practice general internal medicine. The findings are published this week in JAMA.

“This study of a large national sample of internal medicine residents confirms that general medicine remains a less common career plan overall than subspecialty medicine. Combined with the fact that only a small minority of medical students express interest in general medicine and primary care careers, the small number of internal medicine residents reporting plans for generalist careers means a very limited number of generalists can be expected to enter practice each year.” (JAMA. 2012;308[21]:2241-2247. )   JAMA News Release

Sound bites with study author Colin West, M.D., Ph.D., are in the downloads above

Expert title for broadcast cg: Dr. Colin West, Mayo Clinic General Internal Medicine

To interview Dr. West contact:
Alyson Fleming