• Health & Wellness

    Menopause/Swallowing Gum/Fit Former Smokers: Mayo Clinic Radio

For women, there's no escaping menopause. And, while many women are happy to say goodbye to menstrual periods, menopause often brings with it a host of signs and symptoms that can turn life upside down. On the next Mayo Clinic Radio, Dr. Stephanie Faubion offers advice to women going through this major life change. Dr. Faubion is director of the Women's Health Clinic and Office of Women's Health at Mayo Clinic. She is also medical editor of the new book titled, Mayo Clinic — The Menopause Solution: A doctor's guide to relieving hot flashes, enjoying better sex, sleeping well, controlling your weight, and being happy. Also on the program, gastroenterologist Dr. Mark Larson explains what happens when you swallow chewing gum. And, Dr. Thomas Allison and Dr. Nora Sydo discuss a new study that found that fit former smokers were healthier than people who'd never smoked and who didn't exercise.

Here's the Mayo Clinic Radio podcast.