• Mesothelioma/Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder/Senior Nutrition: Mayo Clinic Radio

Malignant mesothelioma, cancer of the lining of the lungs and abdomen, is relatively rare but often fatal. The 5-year survival rate is between just 5 and 10 percent. On this week's program, thoracic surgeon Dr. Dennis Wigle and pulmonary and critical care medicine specialist Dr. Tobias Peikert explain how viruses are being used to treat mesothelioma and increase the odds of survival. Also on the program, Dr. Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic Women's Health Clinic, discusses hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women and the new drug designed to treat HSDD. And geriatrician Dr. Paul Takahashi talks about how to detect and prevent malnutrition in older adults.

Here's the podcast:  MCR Podcast June 13 2015