• Neurology Patient Stories

    Chloe’s Story: Brain Surgery for Movement Disorder

A couple of weeks ago, a friend at work sent me a link to a video in which Chloe Williams shows and tells her story of having brain surgery for a movement disorder called myoclonus. It includes video of Chloe both before and after surgery.

I sent Chloe, who is now 19 and has completed her first year of college, a note through YouTube, and we talked on the phone last week. I asked if it would be OK to post her video on Sharing Mayo Clinic, and here was her email response:

I would certainly love to share my video so it can be shared on the Mayo Clinic blog.

The surgery my video talks about is the last of four surgeries. It took place just a few weeks after my high school graduation. My movement disorder began when I was 17 and a senior in high school. Thanks to my doctors at Mayo, I didn't have to take on this sudden disability, and one year later I am a full time college student, looking forward to a future as an independent adult. I know it's not over yet, though. I have had occasional recurrences, and I could again in the future, but I know as long as I'm willing to keep fighting, my doctors at Mayo are too.

Chloe Williams

Here is Chloe's video:

Among those Mayo Clinic physicians listed in the credits are surgeon Fredric Meyer, M.D. and Matt Stead, M.D., Chloe's pediatric neurologist.

If you would like to share your Mayo Clinic story, go here to learn how.

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