New podcast: ‘Organoids – A Powerful Tool for Individualized Medicine’
May 31, Episode 8: 'Organoids: A Powerful Tool for Individualized Medicine Research'
Organoids are like mini-organs that give researchers new insights into human development and disease, and could revolutionize fields like drug discovery. Researchers can develop a wide variety of organoids from the liver to the brain. Hear about the potential and limitations of using human organoids to bridge the gap between human and animal research in this episode of Mayo Clinic's "The Pursuit of Precision: The Science Advancing Individualized Medicine" podcast.
Cathy Wurzer, a broadcast journalist from Minnesota Public Radio, talks with two noted experts in the field of organoids.
Guests are:
- Tomas Kozicz, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
"I really believe that within a decade it will be a possibility to have bedside precision medicine based on organoid or human cell-based technologies." - Dr. Kozicz
- Mitchell Lazar, M.D., Ph.D., Willard and Rhoda Ware Professor in Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Penn Medicine
"Organoids have advantages over mouse systems or rodent systems because it's the human genes that are involved in the cells in these organoids and many drugs work on aspects of the genome which are different between humans and other species." - Dr. Lazar.
Look for this upcoming episode
June 14, Episode 9: "Digital Health-Enabled Genomics"
Guests are:
Iftikhar Kullo, M.D., Mayo Clinic
Yvonne Bombard, Ph.D., University of Toronto