New podcast: ‘Molecular Virology and Novel Therapeutics’

Looking for a new podcast for your commute or workout? Check out the latest episode of Mayo Clinic's new podcast: "The Pursuit of Precision: The Science Advancing Individualized Medicine."
March 22, Episode 3: 'Molecular Virology and Novel Therapeutics'
What are the challenges of dealing with viruses like COVID-19? Cathy Wurzer, a broadcast journalist from Minnesota Public Radio, discusses lessons learned in the pandemic, vaccines, and novel therapeutics with two infectious disease experts.
Molecular virology studies the mechanisms by which viruses cause disease. Some viruses are easier to defeat with a vaccine and others are not. A critical application of molecular virology is the development of antiviral therapies and vaccines. The experts discuss new technology to attack emerging viruses, the importance of funding to develop drugs to treat viral diseases and how researchers improve vaccines to serve and care for the population.
Guests are:
- Michael Barry, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic consultant in Infectious Diseases
"The good news is we have the luxury of looking back and being able to criticize the vaccine that it's not as good as it could be but that's the luxury of being a survivor. As far as I know, the last CDC data says if you've been vaccinated, you are six times less likely to die from COVID. For me, that's a great win, even if they're not perfect." - Dr. Barry
- Kathie Seley-Radtke, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
"Some dance partners have beautiful harmony and others don't. We see this with different viruses. They don't work against everything. They work against some and not others. They work better for others and not some. That was the biggest challenge." - Dr. Seley-Radtke
Look for this upcoming episode:
April 5: Rapid Genome Sequencing featuring Brenden Lanpher, M.D., a Mayo Clinic clinical geneticist and Stephen Kingsmore, M.D., president and CEO of Rady Children's Institute for Genomic Medicine.
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