• Health & Wellness

    New Treatment For Some Kidney Disease Patients

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease - is not only a mouthful to say, it's also a leading cause of kidney failure. But Mayo Clinic researchers have been studying a new medication, tolvaptan, that seems to help by slowing the pace of kidney cyst growth.

"In most patients with this disease, relentless cyst growth within the kidneys destroys the tissue, causes hypertension and painful complications, and negatively impacts the quality of life," says lead author Vicente Torres, M.D., Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic nephrologist. "The results of this study reveal a potential treatment that blunts kidney growth, lessens associated symptoms and slows kidney function decline when given over three years."

The trial results are published online in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Click here to view the news release.

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Title for broadcast cg: Dr. Vicente Torres, Mayo Clinic Nephrologist